The Ties That Bind
July 05, 2018

- Bob Chapman
CEO & Chairman of Barry-Wehmiller
When we talk about caring for others in the workplace like family, what does that look like? Is it just about being nice to the person in the cube next to you? Maybe going to lunch together every once in a while?
Maybe it’s something much deeper.
There are many different types of families here at Barry-Wehmiller. We have many people throughout our businesses who are related by blood or by marriage — husbands and wives, parents and children, brothers and sisters, as well as aunts and uncles and cousins.
There are also the extended families of friends and co-workers whose bonds are created through shared environments, work spaces and goals. We wouldn’t expect those bonds to be as strong as those created by blood or marriage, but they are often just as meaningful.
Here’s a story of a family at our Paper Converting Machine Company in Green Bay — Mary Polacarz and her daughter, Melissa Sevcik — who, in a time of crisis, found out how strong the bonds of their extended work family can be.
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